This is why clouds are our mortal enemy

All eyes were focused on the sky at Curtin University on March 18th for the Annual Astrofest convention. Together with Stormtroopers, Trekkies, Jawa’s, professors, astrophotographers, astronomers, children and adults, The volunteers from the Perth Observatory got together to show the public and The Republic, the wonders of our Universe. Unfortunately, the thick blanket of cloud that greeted us was determined to ruin the party. With our scopes pointing up and tracking the hidden wonders, we searched the cloud for a sparkle or twinkle. But alas, the clouds would not give in.
Luckily for us, this did not deter the questions from the public, and we were able to get into some fantastic discussions on how the telescopes work and how we run our night and day tours up in Bickley.

Inside, our Perth Observatory stand was absolutely buzzing with questions and curiosities. With lines of people looking to take a peek into what the Perth Observatory had to offer. And although the sky did not put on a performance that night, the volunteers went above and beyond to inform and share our love of astronomy with the crowds of star enthusiasts.